Sharing Design – Green Utopia : II Edizione

Dal 14 Aprile all’ 8 Maggio 2015 tutti i giorni dalle 11 alle 24
Fabbrica del Vapore via Procaccini 4

A cura di Milano Makers
In coproduzione con il Comune di Milano
Coordinamento generale Cesare Castelli

La cultura del design nell’autoproduzione alla Fabbrica del Vapore di Milano

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Dopo il successo della passata edizione, anche quest’anno in occasione del Fuorisalone 2015, negli spazi della Fabbrica del Vapore – la Cattedrale e il piazzale antistante – a Milano in via Procaccini 4, torna SHARING DESIGN – GREEN UTOPIA, a cura di Milano Makers in coproduzione con il Comune di Milano e con il patrocinio di ADI Associazione per il disegno Industriale Delegazione Lombardia.

Riprendendo e ampliando la mostra presentata nel 2014 con grande interesse di pubblico e stampa, e con un ulteriore approfondimento del tema di Expo 2015, “Nutrire il pianeta, Energia per la vita”, Milano Makers torna in Fabbrica del Vapore con un innovativo modello di hub capace di coniugare creatività, sapienza artigianale e padronanza delle nuove tecnologie, e avendo come riferimento la cultura del progetto intesa come sapere collettivo che si autoalimenta nel confronto tra tre diverse conoscenze: quella di natura nozionistica, ma vivace, propria dei giovani; quella propria del fare pratico, di diretta derivazione rinascimentale e caratteristica degli artigiani e degli autoproduttori, e infine quella tecnologica, derivata dall’impiego di nuovi materiali e di innovative tecnologie.

Come scrive Cesare Castelli in “Makers in Italia” (a cura di Cesare Castelli, Maria Christina Hamel, Maurizio Corrado, MIMA edizioni, 2014) volume che raccoglie i primi due anni di vita dell’associazione, il concetto di sharing design che dà il titolo alla manifestazione deriva direttamente da quello di sharing economy, qui reinterpretato come “condivisione dei mezzi per giungere all’affermazione della creatività dei singoli individui, resa possibile dal poter disporre di tecnologie a basso costo che, guidate dalla sapienza tipica degli artigiani e dall’uso di materiali innovativi, permette di ridefinire i criteri di progettazione dei beni di uso comune evitando la spersonalizzazione tipica della grande distribuzione. Questo vale anche per le modalità espositive, consentendo ad ogni makers-autoproduttore di avere accesso a manifestazioni altrimenti impossibili da raggiungere. Seguendo questo ragionamento, una volta stabiliti i criteri base entro cui sviluppare le singole aree tematiche, i vari gruppi in modo autonomo sviluppano la loro capacità propositiva attraverso una vera e propria auto generazione progettuale collettiva. Non più un dominus che chiama a raccolta singoli progettisti o aziende che presentano collezioni, ma lavori di gruppo che si concentrano su un focus determinato da uno sforzo di sintesi creativa collettivo, dove il lato estetico è la conseguenza dell’ispirazione che sta alla base dell’unità del gruppo”.

Negli oltre 3000 metri quadrati della Fabbrica del Vapore, per l’occasione trasformati in spazio espositivo, ma anche luogo di produzione, di formazione e laboratorio creativo, nel corso dei 25 giorni di allestimento si alterneranno senza soluzione di continuità mostre, performance e spettacoli live, incontri. La Cattedrale, allestita con arredi in cartone ecologico progettati da Giorgio Caporaso e realizzati da Lessmore, ospita mostre provenienti da tutto il mondo (Europa, Asia, America Latina) mentre, nel piazzale antistante sorge, Green Utopia, architettura vegetale a cura di Maurizio Corrado, realizzata con il sostegno di Wolters Kluwer.

Anche quest’anno, accanto ai lavori in esposizione trovano luogo un bookstore e un servizio di ristorazione e bar attivo tutti i giorni dalle ore 11 alle ore 24

II Edizione
14 Aprile – 8 maggio 2015
Fabbrica del Vapore – via Procaccini 4, Milano
Dalle ore 11 alle ore 24
A cura del Comitato Esecutivo di Milano Makers
In coproduzione con il Comune di Milano
Con il patrocinio di ADI Associazione per il disegno Industriale Delegazione Lombardia
Coordinamento Generale Cesare Castelli
Arredi in cartone ecologico progettati da Giorgio Caporaso e realizzati da Lessmore
Realizzata con il sostegno di Wolters Kluwer.

Utopia of Culture Makers

Mostra realizzata dal Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, in collaborazione con China-Italy Design and Innovation Center (CIDIC), Markor Furnishings, e Hunan University.

Ceramics, Food and Design, quando i designers incontrano i maestri ceramisti
A cura di Maria Christina Hamel in collaborazione con il Comune di Faenza e il Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche di Faenza (MIC)

Progetti Nomadi Scenari domestici in movimento
A cura di Franco Raggi, Duilio Forte, Alessandro Guerriero, Maria Christina Hamel

Souvenir de Milan Un nuovo modo di intendere l’Oggetto Ricordo,
a cura di Licia Martelli e Maria Christina Hamel

Maker’s Furniture
Lampade e Piccoli Complimenti d’Arredo
A cura del Comitato Esecutivo di Milano Makers

Design before Design
20 giovani creativi cileni presentati da Barbara Pino

Sulcis_Lab Artigianato Sardo
promosso dal Rotary Club di Cagliari, Carbonia e Iglesias con lo IED, a cura di Olga Bachschmidt

Educazione alla Bellezza. L’Accademia luogo italiano della cultura del fare Progetto
realizzato con l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Verona A cura di Maurizio Corrado, Rolando Giovannini, Maria Christina Hamel

Territorio – Natura – Architettura
Workshop del corso di Laurea Magistrale di Ingegneria Edile Architettura, Università di Pisa, presentato dai Prof.ri  Pierini, Bascherini e Karwacka

Lo Storytelling per scoprire l’Autoproduzione
Il progetto del quindicinale “design artigianale” a cura di Angelo Soldani, Giovanni Di Vito e Gianfranco Parisi

La Lunga Giornata Mondiale della Lentezza 2015
A cura di Bruno Cortigiani

Ri – Costruzione
La casa del lavoro possibile

Casa Bossi
A cura di Giovanni Campagnoli

Green Utopia Architettura vegetale
A cura di Maurizio Corrado

Fabbrica del Vapore – via Procaccini 4, 20154 Milan

From 14th April to 8th May 2015 from 11 a.m. to midnight

Curated by Milano Makers

in coproduction with Milan City Council

general coordination Cesare Castelli


The culture of design in self-production at the Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan

Milan, 10th March 2015 – After the success of the last edition, this year, during Fuorisalone 2015, in the spaces of the  Fabbrica del Vapore – the Cathedral and the square in front of it – in Milan in via Procaccini 4,  SHARING DESIGN – GREEN UTOPIA, curated by Milano Makers is back, in coproduction with Milan City Council and sponsored by ADI Associazione per il disegno Industriale Delegazione Lombardia.

Continuing and amplifying the exhibition presented in 2014, with great interest by the public and press, and with a further investigation of the theme of Expo 2015, “Feeding the planet, Energy for life”, Milano Makers returns to the Fabbrica del Vapore with an innovative model of a hub, capable of combining  creativity, craftsmanship  and expertise in the new technologies and having as reference the culture of design,  understood as collective knowledge which is self-nourished in the confrontation between three different types of knowledge: that of a superficial nature, but lively, proper of young people; practical doing, of direct Renaissance origin and characteristic of artisans and self-producers, and lastly technological, from the use of new materials and technological innovations.

As Cesare Castelli writes in “Makers in Italia” (curated by Cesare Castelli, Maria Christina Hamel, Maurizio Corrado, MIMA edizioni, 2014) the book which contains the first two years of life of the association, the concept of sharing design, which gives the title to the event derives directly from that of sharing economy, here reinterpreted as “sharing the means to reach the assertion of the creativity of individuals, made possible by having low-cost technologies which, guided by the  typical knowledge of artisans and the use of innovative materials, allows redefining the criteria of designing goods of common use, avoiding the depersonalization typical of mass distribution. This si also true for the ways of exhibition, allowing each maker-self-producer to access events which otherwise would be impossible to reach. Following this reasoning, once the basic criteria within which to develop the individual thematic areas are established, the various groups develop their ideas through real collective project-building self-generation. It is no longer a dominus that calls together individual designers or companies that present collection, but work groups that concentrate on a focus determined by a collective  effort of creative synthesis, where the aesthetic side is the consequence of the inspiration underlying the unity of the group.”

In the over 3000 square metres of the Fabbrica del Vapore, for the occasion transformed into a display space, there will follow on without interruption exhibitions, live performances and meetings.  The Cathedral, with ecological cardboard furnishings designed by Giorgio Caporaso and produced by Lessmore, hosts exhibitions from all over the world (Europe, Asia and Latin America) while, in the square in front of it, there stands Green Utopia, plant architecture curated by  Maurizio Corrado, created with the support of Wolters Kluwer.

This year again, alongside the works on display, there is a bookstore and a restaurant and bar service, open every day from 11 a.m. to midnight.

The exhibitions in the Fabbrica del Vapore

In the splendid space of the Cathedral of the Fabbrica del Vapore, Sharing Design presents heterogeneous projects, which all have in common a reflection of the themes of sustainability  promoted by  Expo 2015, and featuring the works of designers and craftsmen of various origin.

Utopia of Culture Makers

The exhibition, by the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, in collaboration with China-Italy Design and Innovation Center (CIDIC), Markor Furnishings, and Hunan University, is developed around food and design, as experienced in Chinese culture.

With over 100 young Chinese designers involved, from different cultural environments, and with the use of  various expressive languages and instruments – objects of design, sculptures, installations, visual works, videos etc. – the exhibition reflects on the idea of ‘sharing’ food, understood as joyful sharing and an element favourable for developing a sense of community.

Souvenir de Milan

Curated by Licia Martelli and Maria Christina Hamel

The exhibition is the result of an open call to all the members of  Milano Makers. On the occasion of Expo 2015 the organizers wanted to play on the theme of the souvenir, an object capable of expressing the territorial identity of the city of Milan, seen through the aesthetic and creativity of designers.

Nomad Designs

Domestic scenarios in movement

Curated by  Franco Raggi, Duilio Forte, Alessandro Guerriero, Maria Christina Hamel 

This exhibition is developed around the theme of the ‘nomad’ object of furnishing: from folding furniture, ready to be transferred from one space to another, depending of modern requirements. To the fixed and rigid conception of a definitive and stable domestic scenario, Nomad Designs opposes a fluid, intelligent and economic vision of furnishing in both the design and spatial sense. The Nomad Designs section also includes portable  equipment suitable for travelling and temporary stays, as well as furnishing accessories and objects which can be used both in the home and outside.


Curated by Olga Bachschmidt

A collection of objects for the table, made by the design student of the IED of Cagliari and the artisans of the Sulcis area. This innovative project promotes a new synergy between the artisans of the Sulcis and young designers in training to create a new  system of creation and production. Sulcis_Lab is part of the initiatives promoting Cagliari-Sardinia Italian Capital of Culture 2015 and has been produced by the Rotary Clubs of Cagliari, Carbonia and Iglesias in collaboration with the  IED (Istituto Europeo di Design).

Design before Design

20 young Chilean creative will present a reflection on the process of research in design before becoming “design”

The project has 20 photographic portraits (30cm x 40cm) of as many designers wearing a T-shirt that visually conveys their research projects.

The 20 T-shirts will also be displayed as an identifying element of each individual project. Through a quark code, printed on each of the T-shirts, it will be possible to access a website with the stories of each designer and the individual projects.

Ceramics, Food and Design

When designers meet master ceramists

Curated by Maria Christina Hamel

This exhibition is produced in collaboration with Faenza City Council and the International Museum of Ceramics of Faenza (MIC). On display are twenty works designed by as many designers – ten men and ten women – on the theme of ‘food container’ and each produced by a prestigious artisanal company of Faenza. The exhibition will have a second showing in Faenza and will form the first nucleus of the new design section of the MIC.

Educating on Beauty

The Academy, the Italian place of the culture of  making

Project by the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona

Curated by Maurizio Corrado, Rolando Giovannini, Maria Christina Hamel

The students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona grapple with the design of design objects linked to the culture of Italian food in the respect of the environment.

The Long International Day of Slowness 2015

The ninth edition of the event which aims to enter the calendar of our habits, a polite invitation that the non-profit Voluntary Organization of the Art of Slow Living extends to all the world’s citizens, to find less frenetic rhythms once again. The International Day of Slowness is long and so slow as to give rise to  events for a week and longer, from 7th to 13th June 2015, with over 100 events in Italy and the world. Sharing Design hosts a small sample of them with a Quiet Zone inside the Cathedral.

In the square of the Fabbrica del Vapore, there is the plant architecture

Green Utopia

Curated by Maurizio Corrado

A utopian city of two thousand square metres wholly constructed in plant architecture: bamboo, straw, willow, arundo donax, mud, the most innovative and concrete response to the demands of sustainability in architecture and design. The leitmotiv of this second edition is the Pleistocene Paradigm, a vision of total writing off to start again from zero, using the body and what surrounds it,  investigated in further depth on 23rd, 24th and 25 April in the Pleistocity event. Green Utopia shows in the facts that another way of building is possible and indicates a direction: to build you space with your own hands, with the materials that the earth has always offered us, soil, plants and imagination, the capacity to imagine and create your future: coming into sacred contact with the earth once again, developing what we have always been for two hundred thousand years, mobile beings, made to live outdoors.


2nd edition

14th April – 8th May 2015

Fabbrica del Vapore – via Procaccini 4, Milan

From 11 a.m. to midnight

Curated by the  Executive Committee of Milano Makers

In coproduction with Milan City Council

With the sponsorship of  ADI Associazione per il disegno Industriale Delegazione Lombardia

General coordination  Cesare Castelli

Ecological cardboard furnishings designed by Giorgio Caporaso and produced by Lessmore

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